Carbon Capture

Why Capturing Carbon from the Air Will Always Be Expensive – “… any future technology extracting carbon from the air will never be a substitute for reducing our carbon emissions. That’s because there’s a basic cost to capturing carbon dioxide — a cost imposed by the laws of physics — and the bad news is, it isn’t cheap.” Don’t Fall for Big Oil’s Carbon Capture Deceptions – Carbon capture technology is a PR fig leaf … more

Why I am unable to fulfill my pledge to Stanford

Exchange of letters with Stanford, in chronological order from top to bottom Sept. 7, 2023 Jon Denney, Vice President for DevelopmentStanford University, Office of Development Dear Mr. Denney, Thank you for your letter reminding me of the current balance on my pledge to Stanford. I write to explain why I am unable to fulfill my obligation. I face an ethical dilemma. Do I fulfill my financial promise to Stanford and allow my funds to be … more

Wedding Poems

somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,or which i cannot touch because they are too near your slightest look will easily unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers,you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose  or if your wish be to close … more

Confessions of a Political Convert

(Originally published in The Santa Barbara Independent, March 30, 1989) Several months ago, David Hardy, former staff assistant to former Supervisor David Yager, wrote a provocative piece about his experiences in county government. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Santa Barbara without adding to the archive of former staff assistants. You learn a lot working for a state politician, or for that matter any politician. Good things, like how to light a fire under … more

Climate Change, Anxiety, Hypocrisy

Fighting Despair The antidote to doom is doing (SustainbleViews)“As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” We need the right kind of climate optimism (Vox)Climate pessimism dooms us to a terrible future. Complacent optimism is no better. How to fight climate despair (Vox) Worried About the Climate? Join the Club—Literally. (The New Republic) Climate change anxiety is real. Here’s how you can manage those feelings (NPR) Feeling climate … more

A Celebration of Gary K. Hart

May 7, 2022 Remarks of Michael DeLapa Good afternoon. My name is Michael DeLapa and I’m a friend of Gary Hart and the Hart family. I want to make sure that’s on the record because it may not be entirely clear as I reflect on my relationship with Gary. On behalf of Gary and Cary, their daughters Elissa, Katherine, and Laura, their families, and the extended Hart family, I would like to welcome you today … more